
‘Well done for yesterday- I was really impressed with you both. You could certainly promote this as a consultancy.’

MA Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy Course Convenor- Roehampton University

‘Hello ladies, just wanted to say a huge thank you for your hard work and for making such engaging and important contribution to our learning. It is very much appreciated.’

MA Student- Roehampton University

‘Hiya Danielle, Rebecca seems keen to get BLM on the agenda for trainees. I’ll be recommending she gets in touch with you and Marcelline about running workshops. Probably the most impactful few hours of the course for me.’

MA Student- Roehampton University

‘Marcelline and Danielle! Just to say I thought your race workshop yesterday was very thought-provoking and insightful- thank you! It was great!’

MA Student- Roehampton University

‘Thank you for being patient and understanding towards my anxiety’


‘Thank you so much for the work we have done. I have had therapy before and although my last therapist was great, I feel like you have really understood me, and our sessions have been impactful.’


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