Moving forward
Addressing sensitive subjects in a safe space
Everyone’s experience is unique and we all have different stories to tell. Here are some of the issues Intra Therapy has supported people with.
Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress. It can be triggered by a range of factors such as but not limited to, fear, worry, uncertainty, trauma and feeling outside of your comfort zone. Anxiety can present with physical symptoms such as sweating, feeling faint/fainting, vomiting, increased heart rate and sleep deprivation (getting to or staying asleep). In some cases, it can trigger more severe symptoms such as anxiety attacks, which might feel like you are having difficulty breathing. Anxiety can also impact the social and work aspects of your life, such as maintaining relationships, attending social events, doing presentations or speeches. It is normal to experience anxiety in minor ways throughout life, it becomes problematic, when it affects your day-to-day life. Symptoms can vary depending on the individual and the cause of their anxiety.
Depression is a feeling of low mood that lasts for a prolonged period. If you have been experiencing low mood for several weeks, it can be a sign of depression. Symptoms can include but are not limited to, consistently feeling unhappy, low motivation, hopelessness, feeling no pleasure in the things you usually enjoy doing, excessive sleeping and low self-esteem. In some cases, depression can trigger suicidal thoughts or acts of self-harm. Depression can impact how you maintain relationships or employment if not managed. Several factors can trigger depression such as, trauma, relationship breakdowns, abuse, and life achievements (feeling dissatisfied with your current life). Although there are several identifiable factors that trigger depression, there are also many people who are not able to identify the cause of their depression. This can be due to subconscious factors or the repression of thoughts and feelings.
Trauma is a psychological response to a stressful event that has broken your sense of security. Traumatic events can include but are not limited to, abuse, divorce, rape, racism, bereavement, adoption/foster care and being the victim of a criminal offence. Experiencing trauma can leave you feeling helpless, untrusting, fearful, angry, and sad. Trauma can cause a breakdown in identity, where people feel as though they have lost their sense of self. It can also trigger behaviours linked to anxiety and depression and acts of anger and aggression. If left unaddressed, trauma can impact our way of life and our decision making. Unaddressed trauma can also impact family dynamics, where it can be passed on generationally (generational trauma). Trauma alters how we see the world and others around us.
For some, finding their sense of self and addressing issues, can be more helpful through workshops and groups. Workshops provide an interactive way of receiving psychoeducation on various psychological issues, whilst also receiving support from the facilitator and your peers. Have a look at the workshop page, to find out more about the workshops Intra Therapy provides.
Stress is a psychological reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure. There are many contributing factors to stress such as, work, relationships, studying, family responsibilities, being a new parent, financial issues, and change. Like anxiety, stress is a normal psychological response and only becomes problematic when it affects your day-to-day life, including your physical health. Physically, stress can cause increased heart rate, sweating, burnout and anxiety attacks. If not managed well, stress can have significant impact on your physical and mental health.
Sometimes people may feel uneasy or uncertain about something but are unable to identify what the issue is. There is a sense of needing to work on yourself, feeling stuck or as though your way of life is no longer working for you. There may be certain patterns in your behaviour you want to explore or change.
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